Increase Your Credit Limit with 2 methods in 2022

Credit limit are the maximum amount of money you can spend using credit card or revolving line of credit and the limits are determined by alternative Lenders, Banks and credit card companies and are based on some information related to the borrower.

There are two important factors on how to maximize your credit limit.

Minimizing the hard inquiries on your credit when applying for credit.

Credit card companies may pull hard inquiries especially if you're establishing a new relationship they have to. But after an already established relationship, you may avoid getting hard inquiry. At the list of Banks below. We can see each and end in every credit card company and their terms and conditions on their hard inquiries.

American Express

American Express does not do a hard pull for credit limit increase. So if you already have an American express, platinum or any credit card with American Express, they don't pull a hard inquiry.

(These are the credit card companies you want to establish a relationship with, quick after you repair your credit and get approved for them, because they're not going to do a hard inquiry on your credit as you increase your credit limits and so on and so forth.)

Bank of America

Bank of America used to do hard pull for credit limit increases, but they now do a soft pull instead. A soft pull for reallocations.


Barclaycard does a hard pull for credit limit increases, reallocations are a little bit more tricky. It seems to depend on who you call to reallocate and how long each card has been open for, if they do allow the reallocation then it should only be a soft credit pull but make sure you confirm before doing this.

Capital One

Capital One allows you to request a credit limit increase once every six months and it results in a soft pull. You can also reallocate your credit limits online, but we still don’t know if that’s a hard or soft pull (although there is at least one report of a soft pull and none of a hard pull).


You can reallocate your credit limits with Chase online, resulting in a soft pull as long as your limit is below $35,000. But if you initiate a credit limit increase it will be a hard pull.


Normally reallocating your limits results in a hard pull, but sometimes it can be processed as soft. You can also ask for a credit limit increase and Citi will let you know whether it’s hard or soft pull before you proceed, this is also available via the app. According to this comment you’re limited to one increase per six months as well.


Discover has some weird rules, if you’re doing a reallocation when you open a new card then it’s a soft pull. If it’s for existing cards, then it’s a case by case basis. When doing an online credit limit increase, if it’s processed automatically then it results in a soft pull. If Discover counters then it’ll be a hard pull.

U.S Bank

Need to speak to a manager to do a credit limit reallocation (soft pull). If you ask for an increase our data points say that increases under $1,500 are soft and above that it’s a hard pull. They briefly stated it would be a soft pull only.

Wells Fargo

Reports of both hard and soft pulls for increases, best bet is to call and then get a reference number if they say soft. Reallocation used to always results in a hard pull but all recent reports now indicate this is a soft pull.

As you can see, you can reallocate your credit limits with Chase online, resulting in a soft pull. As long as your limit is below 35,000. Make sure that you become familiarized with these terms and conditions. If you have a credit card in your arsenal then you need to make sure that you read up and research on how to use it.

Credit card is a tool. It's like a car, we get a license on how to drive, but no one gets a license on how to use their credit. So this is the license. This is the formula on how to use your credit cards. How to avoid getting a hard inquiry. Because remember if you want to work with credit card companies like Chase, Chase has that 5/24 rule (you cannot apply for more than 4 to 5 credit cards Within 24 months). Otherwise you're not going to get the best credit cards.

Call The Reconsideration Line

When you're applying for credit you may have got denied for credit or maybe you got approved for soft poll. You got approved for a certain credit limit increase. But if you want to get a higher credit limit increase, call the Reconsideration line.

The reconsidering reconsideration line is on their website. On each credit card company's website, There will be have a links, You can just click on the links and you can humanize and create a case ,an argument ask to why you should be approved. Remember there are credit repair and credit building laws such as the equal credit opportunity act. If you believe that you were treated unfairly or you deserve this credit limit increase, you can dispute that with them, in a civil fashion. So the Reconsideration line is for you to humanize and negotiate for that credit limit increase. Whether you got approved for one or denied, it's definitely your source.


That two important factors on how to increase your credit limit, minimize the hard inquiries and always call the reconsideration line whether you get approved or not, for soft poll or denied for soft or hard pull. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Leave a comment below and if you really want to step up your game, check out the new eBook I wrote for you, the Credit Repair 101Simple instructions, and illustration will help you learn how to boost your Credit Score, and other amazing credit tips & tricks. Check out the samples on the product page.

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William Anthony is an Entrepreneur, Strategist, and Blogger. Back in 2015 when He checked his credit score, it was lower than 500. That's not even a passing grade! Since then He always wanted to know more about how credit works, and for the last 7 years, He has researched and tested all things about Credit Score, Credit Card, etc. And now, after succeeding in many cases in His Credit Score Journey, He wants to share all of his experiences with you guys. Hope that reading articles about Credit Score, Credit Cards, Credit Repair, etc. will become more clear for your own Credit Journey.

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