How to receive money on Cash App by requesting or accepting payments

With Cash App, you can quickly send money to friends, like when you need to split a check

Cash App makes it convenient to split things with friends, too, from pizzas to hotel rooms.

Receiving money on Cash App is as simple as sending a request, or approving a payment. You just need to link your bank account to the app so you can get your money right away, or “cash out.”

Here’s what you need to know.

How to receive money on Cash App by sending a request

Before you begin, make sure to download the Cash App on your iPhone or Android. and link your bank account.

To send a request to receive money:

  1. Open Cash App on your device.
  2. To request money from someone, go to the dollar sign “$” tab at the bottom center of the screen.
  3. Enter an amount, then hit “Request” in the bottom-left corner.
  4. Choose a person (or multiple people) to request money from, either from the list of suggested people or by manually entering their email, phone number, or $cashtag. You can also add a note, if you’d like, to remind them what it’s for.
  5. Then tap the green “Request” button in the top-right corner of the screen.

How to receive money on Cash App by accepting a payment

People can also pay you on Cash App without receiving a request from you. If you’ve already received money from this person before, then the payment will automatically be added to your balance.

However, if this is the first time this person has paid you on Cash App, you’ll have to manually accept the payment.

To accept a payment:

  1. Go to the “Activity” tab by tapping the clock icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  2. Under the “Pending” tab at the top of the screen, you’ll see any requests you’ve made that others haven’t completed. You may also see pending payments with a green “Accept” button next to them. These are payments from users who have never connected with you before. To accept and receive the money they sent, simply tap “Accept.”
  3. Once you hit accept, a pop-up on your screen will ask you to confirm that you would like to receive payment from this person. Tap “Confirm” at the bottom of the screen, then tap “Done.”
  4. If this person sends you money again in the future, you will not need to confirm the payment or take any action — it will be automatically deposited to your Cash App account.

How to cash out on Cash App

Once you’ve received a payment on Cash App, you still need to transfer the money from Cash App to your bank account.

To cash out, tap the “Banking” icon in the bottom-left corner (the icon looks like a house, or a bank). Then, select “Cash Out” underneath your “Cash Balance.” For a full step-by-step guide, read our article on how to cash out.

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